Good evening, my friends! This entry carries with it many updates and thoughts to ponder. I do believe the seasonal shift from summer to fall is but one major shift in my life this year. As October rolls in and the temperatures start their decline and the leaves change to much brighter colors and descend to the ground, we savor life and the positives of the fall, sweaters, bonfires, chilly air, beautiful nature scenes, and the approach of the holiday season. Man, does life get any better? This year, I would have to, no life just can't get any better!
I also just began my civilian career after spending 365 days from the time I left the Air Force looking for my new job. There are two parts of this which make it amazing. The first reason why this is awesome news is that I didn't even find this career, it found me and I kept my options open and explored the opportunity being afforded me and now I feel I have my last career which should take me to retirement years from now. The second part which is amazing is the number of opportunities presented to me within the past two weeks since I accepted the position. One job offered was done after I pursued that position for about a year with no luck. God really does put us where He wants us and He does it when He wants us there as well. I was constantly reminded to keep the faith, some days were much easier than others though. He again has taught me to have faith in Him and lift all my concerns to Him and He will soothe me, support me, and provide for me. As I am the father of this household, He is my Father whom I should obey, trust, love, and honor.
The other event which reminds me of how completely blessed my life is comes with the arrival of my second anniversary with my beautiful and completely awesome bride/wife. There will never be a day in my life from now on where I forget the feeling I had when she entered the room on her dad's arm in her wedding dress and I knew she was going to be joining me at the end of the aisle and in life. Although unemployment isn't life threatening or any such thing, she was my rock this past year and defined the role of "for better or worse." I know that no matter what happens in our future, as long as I honor and cherish her, my life will never be without her in it.
Finally, I can say I love everything about my life. In the past, there was always a hole somewhere in there. Something just seemed to be missing, but no longer. I have God guiding my life and teaching me daily a lesson which makes me a better person, man, brother, father, husband, and employee...among other things. My priorities are straight and my perspective has been realigned to remind me to enjoy life and all it has to offer. For those struggling, it isn't always going to stay difficult...embrace those who love you and cling to those things which lift you when you need it. I love my life the way it is right now. If nothing ever changed, I could, would, and will be content. However, should life require me to face another challenge, so be it. I know I now have the tools, support, and knowledge to not only survive the adversity, but to thrive through it as well.
Thank you to everyone who has been with me through the highs and lows of the past several years. My life is definitely enriched by having you in it. I love you all!!